
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My Favorite Annual: Coleus

My favorite annual to use in the garden is coleus. I use it in containers throughout my yard. It brightens dark areas, and adds bright colors to any container. In nurseries in our area they sell "shade coleus" and "sun coleus", with "sun coleus" being more tolerant of sun. Coleus is also great because you can create new plants by taking cuttings of your current plant. Take 4" cuttings of a coleus plant and place the cut end in water. Keep the plant in indirect light, and change the water everyday. Once the plant establishes roots you can pot it.


  1. I tried coleus for the first time this year. Henna - has done very well. I will be getting more next year. Nice photos.

  2. Looks so nice. I love all your little garden features

  3. I didn't get any coleus this year, because I was so focused on the veggie garden. Now that I have sun, I look forward to trying out all the sun coleus. You have some very attractive and creative arrangements. It looks great!
