
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Happy Holidays

It's currently sleeting outside, and it's looking like all my holiday plans with family might be put on hold for another time. I am trying to decide if I should wrap what presents are left this morning, or if it can wait. You know if I wrap we won't go anywhere, and if I don't wrap I'll be best to wrap.

Looking back on the year, I have made a lot of great new friends on Twitter and through this blog. One can never have enough friends, and I cherish all my new friendships! I wish all of you a happy holiday season!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Four finalist for 2012 Hosta of the Year

Here are the Four finalists for the 2012 Hosta of the Year (due to 3 way tie):

'Guardian Angel'
'Liberty' pp# 12,531
'Rainforest Sunrise'
'Touch of Class' pp# 13,080

Which is your favorite?

Saturday, December 19, 2009

What to get the hosta lover on your list for Christmas

I know this is late, but if you have been struggling with what to get a hosta lover on your list for Christmas, here are some ideas:
  • Hostapedia -if they do not own the Hostapedia by Mark Zilis, this book is a must have. Lists over 7400 hostas and their characteristics.
  • Gift certificates- Since weather does not allow most people to buy hostas right now, why not buy them a gift certificate so the person on your list can buy in spring. Some reputable places to get gift certificates from are: Naylor Creek, In the Country Garden and Gifts, Hallson Gardens, and White Oak Nursery.
  • Fiskars Transplant Spade- this is great for digging up and dividing hostas and other plants.
  • Garden Fork -This is a great tool for digging up hostas and keeping roots intact
  • Garden cart/wagon-something to haul all your tools and plants out in the garden
  • Unique Planter-a unique planter that hostas could be place in (like above)
  • Hosta pottery from Steve Knipp
  • Membership to local or national hosta clubs
  • Membership to local botanical garden

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Hosta Pottery has arrived

Platter and Plates
Hosta Plates
Hosta Platter
A few weeks ago when I was looking through my Google alerts (yes, I have Google alert send me a daily search on hostas), I came across Steve Knipp's blog. Steve Knipp is an artist who creates hosta pottery. I instantly fell in love with some of the pieces and had to have some for myself and to give as a Christmas present for my hosta loving friend, Gina. So I emailed Steve asking him if I could purchase some pieces. Steve was so gracious, he went out and priced shipping for me and replied quickly.

Today my pieces arrived, and they are so beautiful! The plates are for myself, but the platter is for Gina. She is going to love it. They are a great way to get your hosta fix in the dead of winter (as I write this we are in the midst of a blizzard warning, I can't remember ever having a blizzard warning before). I can't wait to have my next get together to show off my hosta plates.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

2010 Hosta of the Year - First Frost

First Frost is the 2010 hosta of the year. I just put mine in at the end of the growing season in 2008, so you can see mine has some growing to do. Pictures don't do it justice, it's a beautiful hosta. The white margin is so white against the blue/green of the hosta's center.