H. 'Elegans' is the largest hosta I have in my garden right now (I have an h. 'Frances Williams' that comes in a close 2nd). Pictures really don't show the size of the hosta until you see just my hand in front of just one of the leaves. h. 'Elegans' is a blue-green colored hosta, so it will maintain more of a blue color if kept in a low light area. When mine first emerges from the ground in spring the "noses", as I like to call them, are huge. My husband often refers to them by a phallic name. h. 'Elegans' is an early bloomer, blooming as early as June here in Wisconsin.
I had a beautiful Elegans that was on it's way to becoming a nice mature hosta and then voles got it and really set it back. Waiting to see what it looks like this year :).
That is one happy Hosta. For sheer plant size, 'Krossa Regal' is the biggest in my garden, although it doesn't have the largest leaves.
Voles got to some of my plants last summer. I divided a whole bunch of hostas for my spring plant sale, and planted them in a holding bed. Late fall I noticed vole trails all over that bed. So I hope they aren't spending their winter snacking on my hostas.
Beautiful! Elegans was on my "To Buy" list last year, and the nursery was sold out. Thanks for showing yours.
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