H. 'Gypsy Rose' is a sport of 'Striptease'. 'Gypsy Rose has a yellowish-white center whereas 'Striptease' is more of a white color. It also stays smaller than 'Striptease' but with more eyes. Many of the 'Striptease' in the market these days are infected with
hosta virus X. So if you are looking for a plant that resembles 'Striptease' but are afraid of receiving a infected plant then 'Gypsy Rose' would be your answer.
Pretty hosta - I'll have to get one of those.
Does 'Gypsy Rose' get those little surprising lines of extra white beside the central splash like 'Striptease' does?
I don't believe it gets those nice little extra white lines like 'Striptease', but 'Kiwi Full Monty' does (another sport of 'Striptease').
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