
Monday, July 26, 2010

All Is Not Lost

If you have read my blog or are a fan of my Facebook page, you know that I recently had a very large hail storm go through my gardens.  Hail is the kryptonite to my hosta's superman.  It's hard to look around the garden and see all the damage the hail has caused.  The hail, which was about 2" in size, also sent leaves and branches flying everywhere which caused even more damage.  I threatened my husband that I was so distraught by all the damage I was going to move out to the Oregon coast for the rest of the summer.

However, before I jumped the next airplane to Oregon, I am reminded that plants are very resilient.  If I really look around I realized that all is not lost. My hostas may not look well for the rest of the season, but some plants took a beating and just kept on going.  The wildlife doesn't seem to care about the huge holes in my plants, finches are in abundance along with bees, butterflies, sparrows, spiders, robins, and, of course, chipmunks.  It wasn't like I was going to be having any garden walks any more this year.  What was I so distraught over?  Heck, if I unfocus my eyes the hostas even look whole again.
The old door from my grandma's house


  1. Atta girl! I came home to find six of my new (this year) hostas had been a lunch counter for Doe and Bambi, some of them have no leaves left. At least you still have leaves!

  2. I know it is hard to say at least there is next year, but as you say, hostas are very resilient. Good luck and sorry about all the damage.

  3. True, I still have leaves! At least it happened towards the end of July. Thanks!

  4. That's the right outlook! Love that door with the flowers!

  5. A few glasses of wine will have those Hostas looking better than ever. Trust me, I've tried it with loads of plants and it works a treat!
