It's November in the Cheesehead Garden. Within the past week we were hit with our first hard frost, which is actually late for Wisconsin. So what does the garden look like? Much of my hostas are yellow and brown, laying on the ground like sad versions of their old self.
However, there are a few hostas that are must have hit the gym or something this summer and have toughed out the frost. The hosta below is h. "Halcyon", it's one of the last hostas to go dormant in my garden.My containers are all looking pretty sad. It's time to start gathering them and putting them up against the house or in the garage. The ones that have perennials and hostas in them will be placed on their sides and covered with leaves to prevent them freezing and thawing over the winter.
The mums are still looking good in the garden. In the background is also Eupatorium Rugosum 'Chocolate' or Chocolate Joe Pye Weed. It's a late bloomer and usually stays in bloom 'til the first snow fall. My fall crocus are also in bloom right now.
One plant that is surprising me this year, still being in bloom in November, is my phlox. It has been a great year for phlox in my garden, they must have enjoyed all the hot weather. I thought the hot weather we had would have made them more prone to mildew, but it seems to have had the opposite effect on them.
Looking at these pictures reminds me of all the work I should be getting done in the garden before the snow starts falling here in Wisconsin. So what does your garden look like this time of the year?
November to me was awesome...fantastic and sad all at the same time....I loved how everything changed colors in Two Rivers, Manitowoc along Lake Michigan, but I hated the winter that right now, when I look at your pictures, I think...that's beautiful, but then I think...oooooh soon it will all be covered with snow and that's great for Christmas....but then January, February....evil March and April....and rainy May that promises life again...I say evil March because it always seems there is one week of pure warm weather and people get happy and run around scantily in shorts and summer tops....but then a snow storm arrives and kills the happy spirit that was the week previous:)
ReplyDeleteOkay okay okay....I'm in Arizona bla bla garden is fine...but it soon will be going through its' change. And I have to share this with you....I love hostas and lilacs, but neither grow here very well:( Did I mention I miss cheese curds?:)And that I miss being home this time of year with my family? There is nothing more fun than October, November and December in the Shire.
I can say that I would not enjoy the summers in Arizona, but would love to live there January through about May.
ReplyDeleteIn evil March when it "warms" up and everyone is doning their shorts and summer tops, it's usually only 40 degrees. Everyone from outside of the state looks at us like we are crazy people.
I was at a banquet honoring one of my friends last night in the Dells. The group I was sitting with had drove there from LaCrosse and hit an ice storm in the wicked weather appears to be starting already.
One of my friends is obsessed with succulents and cacti. I am sure she would make you are bargain, cheese curds for cacti:)