
Monday, June 27, 2011

2011 Midwest Hosta Convention

Just a reminder that the 2011 Midwest Hosta Convention is just around the corner.  The Wisconsin Hosta Society will be the host club this year, and the convention will take place in Madison, WI on July 7, 8, and 9th.

If you love hostas, this is a great opportunity to meet others who have the same passion.  I love conventions because I can tour other hosta gardens and get ideas.  It also gives me a chance to see mature hostas, and see hostas that are new to me.  So if you go, make sure to bring something to write with, as you will be writing down lots of hosta names.  I try to make sure nameplates of the hostas are somewhere in all of the pictures.  I also love conventions, because vendors bring their best stock and some plants you might not find anywhere else.

I contacted the Wisconsin Hosta Society about the pricing for the convention.  They said that decided to keep the price of the convention at $144, so there is no penalty for registering late.  They have also added Saturday only registration for $75.  The $75 includes: a light breakfast at the hotel, a bus ride to the five featured garden tours plus a box lunch, the convention auction and the banquet dinner.   So that's a great deal!  Just make sure to write on top of your registration form Saturday Only, if you decide to take advantage of the deal.

The vendor area will be open to the public Friday and Saturday, as well as the leaf show on Friday.  So if you are just dipping your toes in the pool of hosta, that might be a great way to ease yourself into the hosta madness.

More Information and Registration Forms can be found on the Wisconsin Hosta Society Page.

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