
Sunday, August 7, 2011

What's Blooming

Ligularia japonica flowers.

Stoke's Aster

Early blooming rudebeckia and coneflower


Conflower 'virgin'

Blackberry Lily

Morning Glory 'Grandpa Ott'

Parade of Peacocks daylily with brown-eyed susans in background.

Candy Lily

Hibiscus 'Kopper King'

Cameroon Twist daylily

Coneflower 'Green Envy' just starting to bloom.


  1. Like your white coneflower. Very clean look to it. And of course always nice to see day lilies. After four years of work and care the ones I hybridized are blooming like crazy these last two weeks. Some are pretty decent plants if I may say so myself. Been giving them all away to neighbors and friends. Have more than 400+ so they must go so there is room for the next hybridized crop I am working on. It is the fun of growing them and the pleasure of sharing that make gardening a joy for me. See you soon again. Jack

  2. We have many of the same plants! I love the ligularia japonica...I have one too. It is just now blooming, which I think is pretty late for it, but it is good, cause I need something to liven up that area, now that my monarda and coneflowers are looking kind of tired. I like the virgin coneflowers.
