
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Shade Plant of the Week - Astrantia ( Masterwort )

I've decided to add another segment to my blog, shade plant of the week.  There are so many other plants for the shade garden besides just hostas.  Hosta, of course, are the best shade plant in my opinion, but there are lot of other options.  One of my favorite spring blooming shade plants is Masterwort, otherwise known as Astrantia.  Astrantia have beautiful flowers that to me resemble strawflowers, and just like strawflowers, even after the flowers have past their time and dry out they still provide garden great garden interest.  The leaves on Astrantia provide great contrast to the big leafed hosta.  The plant forms a nice round mound of leaves of slightly fringed leaves.  Astrantia flowers come in a variety of colors, and there is even two varieties of Astrantia with variegated leaves.  Astrantia will also work in the a sunny garden, which makes it very versatile.
Astrantia major 'Sunningdale Variegated'

Astrantia major 'Ruby Cloud'

Astrantia major 'Roma'

Astrantia major 'Sunningdale Variegated'

Astrantia major 'Roma'

Astrantia major 'Ruby Wedding'

Astrantia in midsummer as the flowers start to dry out.

Astrantia major 'Ruby Cloud'


  1. Those are some gorgeous flowers!! Love the look. Hope you're enjoying the warm weather. It has been colder here than back in WI. All my best. Chris

  2. We are going to be leaving for New Mexico soon, and I have been watching the weather. It's been warmer here, then in New Mexico. It's just too weird to see all the plants that are already coming up.
