
Sunday, August 16, 2015

Starting New

If you follow this blog you probably noticed the long absence.  Well we've moved!  So I have been very busy starting an all new Cheesehead Garden.
First, let's rewind to the selling process.  So many people people tried to tell me that I would not be able to take any of my plants with me.  It's simply not true, at least here in Wisconsin.  However, you do have to let your sellers know before you even put your house for sale.  I stated that I would be taking 25% of the perennials with me.  In the end my buyer wanted no plants, so I was able to take 100% of my plants with me.
I had to dig up all my plants in April and May when most weren't even up yet.  So as much as I had things labeled, I still have some that were mislabeled and some I have no clue about.  I put them in pots, pails, cardboard boxes, plastic bags, and fabric plant pots.  Basically anything that would hold a plant.  We had a great realtor who let me keep my 600+ plants at their house until we were ready to move.
So we moved at the very end of May.  It took me until a week or two ago to put all my plants in the ground.  I did have a little set back in July when my gallbladder decided it absolutely, positively must come out.  So now I just have to weed and mulch and I'll be done for this year.
It's a work in progress right now, but I am very excited about what it will look like in a few years.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Plant Sale Saturday, May 6 9am-1pm

Hello Everyone,
If you haven't heard, we sold our house and are moving.  The person who bought our house wants all plants and landscaping removed.  So the hostas are dug up, and I have divided what I could.  The good news is I can bring my plants with me to my new house where I will have almost an acre.  

Plant sale will be from 9am-1pm on Saturday.  Hostas and other plants will be $5, $10, or $15.  Most are just nubs right now, so you kind of have to know your hostas.  There are plants still left in the ground that are free for the digging (not hostas -Mostly daylily, joe pye weed, and ground covers.)

Here is an idea of the hostas I have:
Velvet Moon
Maui buttercups
Clear Fork River
Big Daddy
Hot Green Chiles
Blue Seer
Star Kissed
Rosedale Golden Goose
Blue Angel
Ventricosa Auremarginata
Dick Ward
Babbling Brook
Black Forest
Valentine Lace
Academy Blushing Recluse
Krossa Regal
Moonlight Sonata
Austin Dickinson
Dance w/ Me
King Tut
Abiqua Moonbeam
Moon Waves
Pineapple Upside Down Cake
Golden Tiara
August Moon
Red Dragon
Bright Lights
Blazing Saddles
Summer Music
Sea Fire
Flemish Sky
Holy's Stinger
Gum Drop
Kiwi Gold Rush
Potomac Pride
Wild Green Cream
Last Dance
Grand Tiara
Lakeside Roy El
Kifukurin Hyuga
Gold Star

Location: 2555 Teakwood St, Appleton
Hope to see you there!